The Analysis of Findings about the State of the Education System in Slovakia
The analysis aimed to identify the major problems in the education system, together with their causes and relationships. The analysis is based on extensive qualitative and quantitative data collection carried out in 2017–2019. The analytical framework was the education vision formulated in 2016, based on discussions with numerous Slovak and international experts. The aim of the data collection was to find out what prevents us from achieving the envisaged state as defined in the education vision. Problems related to education policy as well as its implementation in various contexts were examined. In total, 656 respondents from among all the important actors in the education system took part in the in 421 individual and group interviews. The quantitative survey aimed to verify the scope of the problems identified, and in total 15,322 respondents participated, from various positions in pre-primary up to higher education levels, as well as business professionals in human resources (HR).
Findings were analysed in the five areas described in the main chapters of the analysis presented: customised support for all learners; training and development of teachers and professional staff; education content and methods; education openness and permeability; and governance and financing in education. Each area contains findings for all education levels (from pre-primary to higher education). Separate chapters cover the methodology for data collection and analysis and the demographic basis as related to education reform proposals, describing the expected major trends in student population development up to 2030 – the latter is only available in Slovak. The Learning Makes Sense Initiative contracted the Central European Labour Studies Institute to prepare a study on employers’ experience with employing graduates with high/middle/low qualifications on the Slovak labour market. The summary of this study is available in English.
The analysis is structured in several layers. The text opens with a general summary of findings about a group of issues, and then homes in on a detailed analysis of particular issues. The chapters at higher levels contain summaries of main findings for their respective sub-chapters. Detailed data on particular issues informing conclusions are located in sub-chapters. Only chapters containing summaries of main findings are available in English, the rest is only in Slovak.
Despite the analysis being extensive, its ambition was not to cover all the problems of the Slovak education system. The aim of the analysis was to present the research findings and encourage expert discussion on the problems, their causes and context, and especially their possible solutions.
The analysis is in the Slovak context unique in terms of the sample size and the complex approach. Findings from the analysis formed the basis of the reform proposal presented by the Learning Makes Sense initiative in February 2020.
The full text of the analysis in Slovak is available here: